The Astonishing AI Unicorn Phenomenon: Breaking Speed and Revenue Barriers

AI startups are shattering the unicorn valuation ceiling of $1 billion in
record time according to data from CBinsights. On average, it is taking them 3.5 years to achieve this feat in comparison to US startups that do so in an estimated 7 years according to research from ZenBusiness.

OpenAI, creators of the world famous ChatGPT is currently valued at $29 billion and was able to achieve unicorn status in just 4 years.While Inflection, cofounded by Reid Hoffman of Linkedin fame raised $225 million in equity to leverage large language models to help humans talk to computers achieved $1.2 billion valuation in almost zero year.

Let us dive into these scatterplots I created on Tableau to really drive home the point of the phenomenal rise of AI startups.

Koko Ombu on Tableau, Generative AI

Looking at this chart, you’ll notice a sharp downward trend, which reveals that the earlier the year of founding, the farther it took generative AI startups to achieve unicorn valuation. In essence, it will take these startups lesser time overall to become valued at over $1 billion.

  • It took Photo editing apps maker, Lightricks 6 years to become a unicorn
  • 4 years was what it took OpenAI to crush the $1 billion mark
  • Hugging Face, the machine learning model for enterprise took 6 years to achieve the feat
  • Cloud development platform and github copilot, Replit also took 6 years
  • Adept which trains machine learning models to do tasks for us got valued at $1 billion in 5 years
  • Large language learning model builders, Cohere took 4 years
  • Enterprise AI search and knowledge discovery platform, Glean
  • AI content writing platform, Jasper did this in 3 years
  • Digital images AI tooling company, StabilityAI in 2 years
  • 2021 was all the rave for AI startups as
  • Large language learning model developers, Anthropic, conversational chatbot CharacterAI and animated AI images startup, Runway all launched in 2021 to speed through this barrier in just 2 years
  • Inflection, leveraging AI to help humans talk to computers founded in 2022 emerged as a unicorn after its giant raise.

The fascinating bit of this insight is that they are doing this without having the requisite revenue to match these valuations.

If you look at this AI startup revenue scatterplots I created, openai valued at $29 billion generated just $30 million in 2022 while Jasper generated $45 million in the same period.

Glean AI has a $2.7 million revenue with a $1 billion valuation while Runway is averaging $1 million revenue at $1.5 billion valuation.

Comparing OpenAI and Youtube’s Valuations and Revenues

Let’s do a comparative analysis of OpenAI and Youtube as a brand:

Youtube generated $28.8 billion revenue in 2021, a 46% year over year increase with 2,5 billion unique visitors accessing the platform monthly according to Business of Apps. It currently has a brand value of $23.9 billion according to Statista.

While OpenAI’s ChatGPT is the fastest growing consumer technology product, gaining 100 million subscribers in the first two months of launch, it is valued at $29 billion with a $30 million revenue – talk about the huge disparity.

Comparing their valuations with their activities, you may be thinking, “will AI be the future of the world?” Probably, you’re not wrong.

Of course, we all know that the growth of generative AI platforms is as a result of the prospect of artificial intelligence changing the world as we know it and of course this has created an investor frenzy.

So as a startup founder, it is probable that Venture Capitalists will give you the “what is your AI strategy wink” while you’re trying to pitch them. So, get ready.

With the bullishness with anything artificial intelligence as investors move towards the light of what the future can be. So as a startup founder your first expectation should be knowing that VCs will likely wink at you to find out what is your AI strategy and you’ve got to be ready to deliver on that question.

Charting tool: Tableau

Link to interactive chart: The AI Unicorn Phenomenon | Tableau Public

Data Source: CBInsights, TechCrunch

How A16Z invested in the Web3 Ecosystem through Crypto’s 2021 Summer and 2022 Winter

As one of the world’s most successful venture capital firms, hosting and having hosted some of the most successful unicorns and decacorns in its portfolio, a16z has harboured no fears in venturing into the rough waters of Web3 investing, AKA the Crypto/Blockchain market.

A16Z Crypto made strong showing through July 2021 to June 2022, investing across a diverse range of subsectors in the cryptoverse. Within this duration, Bitcoin, the major cryptocurrency, tanked heavily in June, made it’s all time high (ATH) above $68,000 in September and has stayed bearish as of this writing. As you may already know, the Bitcoin crash set off a domino effect across all altcoins and tokens bringing the entire market to the much talked about crypto winter.

A16Z Crypto is the Web3 fund of the global venture capital giant, Andreessen Horowitz (a16z). While Web3 has become an all encompassing word, habouring a long lineup of sectors, this fund is aimed at startups launching or that have launched their services or products on the blockchain. The blockchain being the underlying technology, or for simpler understanding, the manufacturing plant for cryptocurrencies. The fund is also focused on core crypto related projects such as exchanges.

A16z Crypto’s Investment Strategy
The fund is structured like a hedge fund and not a traditional VC fund, with a goal to hold crypto investments beyond the normal 10 year venture capital cycle, according to Yahoo Finance.
It shoots to maintain aggressive investing in both bull and bear markets, consolidating on its long term view of the market.
Also, it will look towards investing at all stages. Think: Preseed to late stage, and you will be on track.

A16Z Crypto Stats and Analytics
A16Z began investing in crypto in 2013 with a first investment in cryptocurrency exchange platform, Coinbase. A16Z has raised a total of $7.6 billion under its crypto fund, a16z Crypto from 2018 to 2022.

A16Z has invested in a total of 113 companies since inception, with 75 of these being crypto/blockchain startups according to data from blockdata. There has been 4 major fails off these investments including Diem, OpenBazaar, Basis and B17 Clout.

Investments from July 2021 to June 2022
During this period, a16z has made investments in 56 startups in the following subsectors: blockchain, gaming, custodial/wallets, staking and trading exchanges, analytics, tokenised carbon credits, NFT, metaverse assets, IOT and hardware.

Of these investments, blockchain startups have swooped up the majority of the cash, trailed by gaming. With each having an equal investment total of 10. Investments in both segments exceeded the $1 billion mark, as blockchain shoots past gaming by over a $100 million.

Investments by Country

A16Z invested in crypto startups across 4 major continents. Investment count includes 44 in the US, 2 each in Canada, Vietnam, United Kingdom and Switzerland. It made single investments in India, Phillipines, Australia, France and Singapore.

Relevance of a Venture fund’s strategy
As a Web3 startup founder or a prospective one, it is important to know how crypto focused VC firms invest their funds to be strategically stand a chance to be captured into their nets.

As a venture capital firm, understanding and tracking investment trends of the big players could be the the thin line between a sub par outing and a stellar performance.

Visualisations created with Tableau, Data Wrapper, Excel

How do you know if this new drug will heal you? This tech startup idea, Evidation Health can prove drug efficacy

If there is anything we all crave more than being wealthy is being healthy.

Health is the most lucrative state any human being can attain and we all desire it.

In the instance of any form of disease, we all fight to get it back by taking medications, engaging health programs and products etc.

Of course, the people creating these products know that as long as their products perfect your ill health, you will patronise them again.

So they have to make sure every product or service is as perfect as it gets but how can they know this?

By conducting real life trials on people of course, but the more people they can conduct these trials on, the more accurate their results can become when sampling the various reactions from each of these patient data.

And Evidation helps get more and more people to get these product outcomes to the best possible level for use in the real world.

What is Evidation Health?

Evidation Health enables healthcare companies quantify outcomes in the digital era by connecting patients to healthcare products to ascertain its efficacy. By enrolling patients for research trials faster than conventional methods, Evidation Health can provide a digital health enabled future for all.

Evidation Health is a tech startup idea with the ability to keep the world’s data safe, including yours.

Startup: Evidation Health

Founded:  2014


Luca Foschini, Mikki Nasch, Christine Lemke, Alessio Signorini


Founders’ Inspiration

The shared vision between GE Ventures and Stanford Health for a digital health enabled future was the inspiration behind Evidation Health.

Headquarters: San Mateo, Carlifornia

Vision: To build a digital health enabled future. (imagined by them).


The Pitch (The idea in 20 words)

Evidation Health is a digital healthcare platform using real life data from connected patients to quantify healthcare product outcomes.


Health tech, Software, Data Analytics

Evidation Health hosts a technology platform that connects healthcare companies with patients.
The startup has heavy hitting backers in General Electric Ventures and Stanford Healthcare that believe in the future of healthcare and patient collaborations to improve patient outcomes.
It developed a real life study solution and enrolls participants ten times faster than conventional methods, conducting research through trials.

It congregates real life patient data from hundreds of applications and devices to evaluate multiple angles to a singular technique to rate or prove efficacy.

The startup works with healthcare system, pharmaceutical companies, digital health solution vendors and payers to measure patient behavior driven outcomes to enable these clients understand and increase their product’s impact.

Evidation Health provides software to analyse large datasets on behalf of clients.

Revenue Model
Evidation revenue is generated from the following;
·         Healthcare companies pay to understand patient behavior on outcomes and cost of care.
·         Healthcare companies pay for the development evidence base for their solutions.

Growth and Market prospects

Evidation Health is experiencing growth through patronage from pharmaceutical companies and digital healthcare providers.


Evidation Health is largely funded by investors;

Venture: Undisclosed – August 2012

Seed: Undisclosed – June 2013

Series A: $6 million – December 2014

Series B: $11.6 – June 2016
Series B: $3.4 million – October 2016

Venture: $10 million – April 2017

Total Funding: $31 million


Evidation Health has successfully raised investment funding from some of the best niche health focused venture capital institutions. Some of these investors include;
  • Sanofi Ventures
  • GE Ventures
  • Rock Health
  • AMV Holding

Future Strategy

The future strategy of Evidation Health is to enhance the development of its large scale behavioural analytics, health outcome measurements and digital biomarkers capabilities.

Industry Insights

Clinical trials are the gold standard for drug approvals. Does it work or does it not work? What are the side effects and can they be managed? Can this drug be used on a certain group of people and not on others? All these questions are asked to determine safety of drug performance with different age groups. And these questions can only be understood when real people participate in these trials to validate the products outcome. Hence, this data is critical in improving the quality and delivery of healthcare and the best ways to integrate new therapies and technologies into real world clinical practice.


Evidation Health disrupts traditional clinical trial setting by using virtualised pragmatic trials at scale to accelerate outcomes.

Opportunity for Idea Creators

This is an opportunity for idea creators, albeit a very enormous task. From the initiation to the development of a system like Cockroachdb, it takes much more than just guts to pull this one off.

On the look out to create more value within this industry sector way should be;

  • Developers
  • Healthcare practitioners
  • Data Analysts
  • Medical Professionals
  • Healthcare institutions
  • And any other crazy head who thinks and can, can make things happen

Evidation Health is providing accelerated measures to guarantee the safety of healthcare products and services in the real world.

What can you make of this idea?

And before you go, please do all or one of these three things;

  • Please leave us a comment. I will like to share in your thoughts and have a good conversation with you on this startup idea.
  • Click on the icons and share on social media. Somebody somewhere may need this information to move to the next level in life and that person may just be you, receiving a shared content.
  • Leave your email above. I will take you through my free starter course so you learn how to strategise for start-ups and get paid.

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Disclosure: This review, article or report was first posted on blog in 2017. The blog no longer exists. Some information may be outdated or a startup may no longer exist in the form or all of its form when it was first reviewed.

Clap your hands and get a service provider at your doorstep, this tech startup idea, UrbanClap is your matchmaker

So make we clap!

We do that a lot, consciously or unconsciously. While talking, gesticulating, dancing to beats, well, it’s a lifestyle.

But how about clapping your way to a service provider each time you need one?

A tough one I must say, but UrbanClap says it is possible.


What is UrbanClap?

UrbanClap is an on-demand service marketplace matchmaking clients’ to service provider that best fits their budget, date, location and timing. UrbanClap says they can make this service as easy as clapping your hands.

Startup: UrbanClap

Founded: September 2015


Varun Khaitan, Raghav Chandra, Abhiraj Bhal

Founders’ Inspiration

Founders of UrbanClap were desperate to solve a really big consumer challenge and they chose to zero in on local services as the industry has not seen real innovation in decades.

Headquarters: New Delhi,India

Vision: To use technology and smart processes to structure the highly unorganized services market in India and emerging markets. (imagined by them).


The Pitch (The idea in 20 words)

UrbanClap is an application utilising technology and smart processes to help clients find the right service providers easily.


Mobile app, Data Analytics, Software


UrbanClap is the largest proprietary mobile based services marketplace in India.

The app is designed to help prospective users find the exact service provider they are looking for.

It has a unique matchmaking algorithm which allows seamless and nearest form matching between professional services providers and clients by highlighting relatable pointers such as budget, event, location and date.

Clients receive details of five professionals that meet their stated requirements.

Over 80 service categories are offered on the platform.

UrbanClap sieves through professionals in every service category by asking for references, selecting only one out of ten applications to ensure they offer only the best services.

All listed professionals on the platform are required to pay a fee to convert client lead into real business to enable the right match.

Professionalism and customer service support is key to UrbanClap’s strategy and it has a software equipped with a chat option for users to access customer support.

The startup has a five level strategy to meeting the needs of its users;

  • First level; being a marketing solution to get new customers for service providers
  • Second level; being a client relationship management platform
  • Third level; content sharing, online contracting and payments
  • Fourth level; training the supplier
  • Fifth level; providers of equipment and products used to deliver service to clients

The startup does not offer permanent services e.g. the hiring of a driver or house keeper.

The startup acquired competitor apps, Goodservice and HandyHome.

Revenue Model

UrbanClap charges a fee to service providers to convert the lead to work.

Service providers pay 20% of income from clients to UrbanClap.

Growth and Market prospects

UrbanClap receives over 5000 daily service requests with up to 50% conversion rates.

The company expanded to cities across India, including Mmbai, Bangalore and Hyderabad.


UrbanClap is funded by investors;

Seed: $1.6 million – April 2015

Series A: $10 million – June 2015

Series A: $25 million – November 2015
Venture: Undisclosed – December 2015

Debt Financing: $3.09 million – April 2017

Total Funding: $39.69 million


UrbanClap has successfully raised investment funding from some of the best venture capital institutions and individuals. Some of these investors include;
  • Kunal Bahl
  • Rattan Tata
  • Rohit Bansal
  • Saif Partners
  • Accel Capital
  • Trifecta Capital
  • Bessemer Venture Capital

Future Strategy

The future strategy of UrbanClap is to have all services meet its strategic five level plan for customer service delivery and satisfaction.

Industry Insights

Services based industries are a dime a dozen with all kinds of service providers available to meet client needs across a large spectrum of services. Be it car repair, beauty services, wedding planning, electrical fixing or babysitting, customers want the best service possible at the best possible rates making this a market with a larger than life size possibility in search of new innovations.


UrbanClap is disrupting the uncoordinated services industry in India which is mostly driven by word of mouth advertising.

Opportunity for Idea Creators

This is an opportunity idea creators can take advantage of and really win.

On the look out to create more value within this industry sector way should be;

  • Developers
  • Data Analysts
  • Database Professionals
  • And any other crazy head who thinks and can, can make things happen

UrbanClap is empowering small business owners access to a genuine stream of serious clients at little costs and guaranteeing quality business services to users of its platform.

And before you go, please do all or one of these three things;

  • Please leave us a comment. I will like to share in your thoughts and have a good conversation with you on this startup idea.
  • Click on the icons and share on social media. Somebody somewhere may need this information to move to the next level in life and that person may just be you, receiving a shared content.
  • Leave your email above. I will take you through my free starter course so you learn how to strategise for start-ups and get paid.

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Disclosure: This review, article or report was first posted on blog in 2017. The blog no longer exists. Some information may be outdated or a startup may no longer exist in the form or all of its form when it was first reviewed.

5 star hotel on a budget? This tech startup idea, OYORooms will give you a hospitality experience to remember

You don’t have where to spend the night.

Your trip was impromptu.

Money to afford a 5 star hotel is not in your pocket. You can only afford one probably in the slums right now. But you know it won’t be fun. You have tried it before, broken sinks, torn mattresses, no sheets, no wifi, no TV, no way!

But does it have to be this bad?

Not if OYO Rooms can help it.

OYO Rooms!


What is OYO Rooms?

OYO Rooms offers guests predictability, accessibility and availability of standardised hotel experience on a budget.

It is a tech startup idea with the ability to ensure a hotel awaits you wherever you find yourself in India.

Startup: OYO Rooms

Founded: May 2013


Ritesh Agrawal

Founders’ Inspiration

Agarwal imagined an India where hotels can be a home away from home, not the usual poor standards lodgers were used to.

Headquarters: Haryana, India

Vision: To standardize and build efficiency into all forms of real estate such as budget hotels, apartments, guest houses and resorts. (imagined by them).



The Pitch (The idea in 20 words)

OYO Rooms is a technology based hotel management application simplifying, standardising and disrupting the  Indian hospitality industry.


Hotels, Mobile app, Data analytics



OYO Rooms app technology is enhanced to offer check-in, check-out, check and cash payments, corporate rates, toiletry audits through one click reconciliation.

The app utilises data analytics to highlight high demand areas while its scientific algorithm determines room prices.

The startup is offering predictability and affordability in hotel access for travellers across India.

OYO Rooms partnership hotels are co-branded to guarantee predictable room availability and room standard quality.

It standardised partner hotels by offering training to staff, refurbishing and bringing rooms up to OYO Rooms standards which includes mattresses, showers, flatscreen, wifi, breakfast, branded linen sheets and toiletries.

These standards are audited daily to maintain great customer experience across board.

The company maintains a minimum guarantee model where it pays hotels upfront for rooms and only takes the incremental revenue off the sale on each room. A model it adopted to keep its partner hotels loyal to its brand.

It acquired ZO Rooms, a low budget technology driven hotel chain which grew to 200 hotels in 11 cities within a year.

Revenue Model

Its revenue model consists of budget ranges between $19 to $25 for small rooms and $26 to $66 for medium rooms.


Growth and Market prospects

OYO Rooms offers over 50,000 rooms in 200 cities and targets to grow to 500,000 rooms in three years.


OYOrooms is funded by investors;

Seed: Undisclosed

Series A: Undisclosed – February 2015
Series B: Undisclosed – July 2015

Series C: $200 million – April 2016

Total Funding: $200 million


OYOrooms has successfully raised investment funding from some of the best venture capital institutions including its biggest rival, Google. These investors include;
  • Softbank
  • Lightspeed Ventures
  • Greenoaks Capital
  • Sequoia Capital
  • DSG Consumer Partners

Future Strategy

The future strategy of OYO Rooms is to expand internationally, adding up to 200 townhouse hotel tending towards a more upscale strategy.

Industry Insights

The hospitality industry in India is rife with travelers, both tourists and indigenes alike as 415 million Indians, about a third of its population journey to different destinations within the country annually; the market potential is estimated at $10 billion.

However, this has created a vast amount of unsafe and unsanitary hotel models across India which has awaited revamping or quality assurance improvements.


OYO Rooms was blocked by online travel agencies because it disrupted business and stole a weighty chunk of its market share.

Opportunity for Idea Creators

This is an opportunity for idea creators to take advantage of and create something new and different.

On the look out to create more value within this industry sector way should be;

  • Developers
  • Hoteliers
  • Hospitality Professionals
  • And any other crazy head who thinks and can, can make things happen

Can you imagine an idea like OYO Rooms across major cities in the world? What can you do about it?

And before you go, please do all or one of these three things;

  • Please leave us a comment. I will like to share in your thoughts and have a good conversation with you on this startup idea.
  • Click on the icons and share on social media. Somebody somewhere may need this information to move to the next level in life and that person may just be you, receiving a shared content.
  • Leave your email above. I will take you through my free starter course so you learn how to strategise for start-ups and get paid.

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Disclosure: This review, article or report was first posted on blog in 2017. The blog no longer exists. Some information may be outdated or a startup may no longer exist in the form or all of its form when it was first reviewed.

700,000 income streams for one music single? This tech startup idea, Kobalt will make every artiste filthy rich

Artistes make money – or so we all believe.

We see their flashy lifestyles and we crave it – maybe not all of us but at least most people do. Sport cars, mansions, pent houses, Rolexes, diamonds, designer apparels, you name it, they seem to have it all.

But do they really? While some global stars do, a whole lot more are not as rich as they wish to be. Artistes always feel cheated or shortchanged one way or the other despite labels saying otherwise.

With many reasons for this despite artiste songs being played all over the world, one of the major ones is a broken music system which delays the rights of artistes because of an opaque music industry.

One technology startup set for world dominance says it has what it takes to make every artists filthy rich, – or best put, get what they deserve because, indeed they are being screwed.

Its name is Kobalt.

What is Kobalt?

Kobalt is a technology driven music platform that serves as an artiste’s instant cash point machine enabling them receive every penny of airplay from their songs, even if it’s only a single by utilising its proprietary software that sniffs out every commercial platform where an artiste song is played across the world and collects royalties from the artiste from each of those spots.

Kobalt is an innovative tech startup idea providing transparency and accountability to an industry which tells an artiste what it earns instead of showing them the big picture of their earnings.

Startup: Kobalt

Founded: 2000


Willard Ahdritz

Founders’ Inspiration

A former artiste and label owner himself, while working as a consultant drawing up a Business Plan for British Airways low cost carrier, Go, Ahdritz was amused at the way the global giant tier its pricing by using a massive database and offering different prices for different seats. On the spot, he decided to do this with music to stop artists from waiting years to get their money and to let them know who should be paying them.

Headquarters: New York, New York

Vision: To transform the way the global music business is run by creating new pipelines for accountability and transparency of industry returns. (imagined by us).


The Pitch (The idea in 20 words)

Kobalt is an innovative music technology platform utilising data analytics to expand revenue sources for artistes and the music industry.


Digital Streaming, Data Analytics, Music Technology, Music Marketing Software



Kobalt owns the world’s first data sensitive technology platform which allows artistes and songwriters firsthand knowledge of airplay on every existing platform globally from radio stations, TV stations, CD sales, streaming platforms, youtube videos, pirated CDs, film features, clubs parties, TV shows, adverts etc., totalling 700,000 revenue streams for one song.

To bring accountability and transparency to payments of artistes rights in the global music industry by granting them access to the black box of record label revenues, providing real time data of where every single is being played and by whom or what platform.

It serves as a platform to activate instant connections and payments between artistes and movie or TV show producers, showing money offered and providing the artiste an opportunity to accept or decline immediately.

Kobalt purchased digital distribution and label services AWAL, ‘Artists Without a Label’ putting itself directly in competition with giant labels by offering un-label artistes direct distribution.

AWAL enables global artistes understand their music territory interests through advanced data analytics and plan tours around it serving stars like Beck and Moby.

The startup charges 5% administration fees to its clients, far below the 20-30% charged by its competition.

Kobalt utilises proprietary software ProKlaim to detect song usage on youtube videos, monetising up to 1.5 billion video plays monthly.

On a daily basis, data identifiers for 400,000 copyrights are programmed into ProKlaim and its algorithm searches to detect music matches and charges advertising agencies or Youtube if the video is created by an individual user.

Revenue Model

Kobalt utilises high volume, low price approach to generating revenue by collecting royalties for over 600,000 songs for about 8,000 artistes in micro payments which return in fractions of pennies but become tangible with billions of real time transactions. The company also charges 5% administration fees to sign up clients.


Growth and Market prospects

Presently, Kobalt collects royalties for over 8,000 artistes worldwide across 100 territories. It counts superstars like Kelly Clarkson, Gwen Stefani, music producer, Dr. Luke and music publishers who hold copyrights to music and lyrics as clients. It has become the top independent music publisher in the UK and second to Sony in America.

It generates revenue from 400 million people for artistes and projects to do this through 1 billion people in 3 years.


Kobalt is funded by investors;

Series B: $16 million – June 2008

Series B: $40 – March 2013
series C: $60 million – February 2015

Series D: $75 million – May 2017

Total Funding: $191 million


Kobalt has successfully raised investment funding from some of the best venture capital institutions including, Google Ventures. These investors include;
  • Google Ventures
  • Sparks Ventures
  • Balderton Capital
  • MSD Capital
  • Michael Dell

Future Strategy

It is creating the world’s first global digital collection society, AMRA to provide services to publishers and individual writers by being equipped with direct digital licensing deals and using Kobalt’s technology to communicate, translate data into format for thousands of revenue sources and efficient collect, process and account for billions of micro transactions.

Industry Insights

The music industry revenue has been at an all time low as digital disruptions take a bite off traditional revenue generation stream like CD sales. In 2016, global recorded music sales totaled $15.7 billion with digital revenue accounting for up to 50% of that growth according to reports by IFPI. Global music industry revenue has seen steady decline from $20.7 billion in 2005 to $15 billion in 2015. Digital streaming seems set to save the industry despite the fact that the profitability of most digital platforms is still distance away.


Kobalt is disrupting the global music industry by creating new pipelines for operations and administration by opening channels of opportunities for payment of artiste royalties and enforcing transparency and accountability in making returns to artistes.

Opportunity for Idea Creators

This is an opportunity for idea creators, to take advantage of but a very ingenious one by the way. To take on such an idea, a whole lot of chutzpah, brains and funding will suffice. Goodluck.

On the look out to create more value within this industry sector way should be;

  • Developers
  • Musicians
  • Industry Professionals
  • Music Labels
  • And any other crazy head who thinks and can, can make things happen

Kobalt is changing the way artistes are treated and paid in the music business, and also opening new inroads for publishers to make more money than the industry itself ever thought possible.

Now, that’s disruption. What can you do about it?

And before you go, please do all or one of these three things;

  • Please leave us a comment. I will like to share in your thoughts and have a good conversation with you on this startup idea.
  • Click on the icons and share on social media. Somebody somewhere may need this information to move to the next level in life and that person may just be you, receiving a shared content.
  • Leave your email above. I will take you through my free starter course so you learn how to strategise for startups and get paid.

Disclosure: This review, article or report was first posted on blog in 2017. The blog no longer exists. Some information may be outdated or a startup may no longer exist in the form or all of its form when it was first reviewed.