Changing Leadership in Nigeria: The Power of Innovation!

By Koko Ombu

The word leadership brings to mind the need to take charge of affairs in any endeavour, irrespective of its size or popularity and to this, the natural viewpoint is an expectation from aspiring leaders that a process which serves beneficiary ends is accrued to this position, a notion which has not only inundated but one which grossly mystifies the critical mind of reason.

Leadership is simply the need to inspire a following which leads to a movement in order to achieve common goals that serve all of its members and beyond, while magnetizing more participators in its wake as a result of well formulated and alluring possibilities that envisions to favours all.

How, therefore is a leadership of this magnitude which seeks the collective good of all at the expense of none possible? The answer is innovation. As the late Apple founder, Steve Jobs categorically opined, “Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower. Why join the Navy when you can be a pirate?” Change – the answer is change.

The desire to invent transformations should be the soul’s creed of a leader, one strong enough to generate favourable responses and support from the most astute oppositions and factions. An endowment with a virtue such as this is mostly viewed as one which lies far beyond ones ken, perceived as a gift from the gods. This conviction is mostly far from truth, as the magic wand to exact such change lies in time, ample time for would-be leaders to engage in personal development processes of body, soul and spirit in order to gain insight and an encompassing knowledge of human needs and wants, social and cultural trends as pertains to the objective’s possibilities while still not shunning the need for learning versatility.

This closet development leads to an embracing of new knowledge and skill enrichment; it aids a swift, creative adaptation process which eschews impossibilities and is aptly result oriented. Now this is innovation, the ability to be original and creative in thinking, to introduce new ideas that positively metamorphose the mass market. A leader whose decisions and policies constitute great change is one who has spent time building, preparing and paving the way for innovative measures that will precede the bright future of generations yet unborn and not necessarily for personal gratification.

Therefore, for a changing leadership to occur leaders must be innovative and all innovation is purposeful being able to set a course and channel a bearing for the future. Innovative leaders must exemplify the need for change first within themselves by replacing the comfort of complacency with the hunger for ambition in all of his followers, continuously painting a picture that presents an appealing future, one worth risking everything to achieve, a prospect which involves perils and opportunities albeit, the most inevitable path.

Innovative leadership positions itself for feedbacks while choosing to remain open to suggestions from the least to the greatest of its team players. It must be able to challenge norms and assumptions by breaking the rules when necessary. Understanding that leadership like art is rife with opportunities for the lateral thinker who can create new methods to achieve results.

Just like a single thread of tapestry whose colour brightly shines but gets lost in the pattern of a grand design, innovative leadership will empower people to see their purpose in the multitude enabling them to ask, “How can I work better to achieve our goal?”

An innovative leader will view collaboration as key in gaining the advantage in areas of shortfalls, welcoming failure, encouraging a culture of experimentation which could lead to untold success. Leadership which will bring about transformation is wholly focused on the most pressing challenges and passionate about overcoming them, translating this energy and drive to direction and inspiration for the led. To inspire people towards change and innovation that achieve extraordinary results, leadership must be passionate about its beliefs and willing to communicate it at every opportunity.

Innovative leadership provides a blueprint resource, principles and professional approaches and then they take a bow from the spotlight, allowing their team run and grow the vision by figuring out the details themselves.

Apparently Nigeria needs to adopt thought driven leaders who by the power of their imaginations can maximise the strength of illusions to create dreams that solve problems with new thinking in people development, product, processes and paradigm as it has to do with business and system revamping in national leadership – the quest to achieve this change is simply weaved in the power to innovate, merging possibilities with actions and nurturing futures with prowess in implementation strategies. To change leadership in Nigeria, future leaders hold in their hands today, the time to develop their creative capacities in order to produce corresponding innovations that transform lives tomorrow.

Koko Ombu, is cofounder and Lead Strategist at idea portfolio management company, Infinite Impact Ltd, She was selected by LEAP Africa and Business in Africa Magazine, South Africa as 101 Young African Leaders at the African Business Leaders Forum, Accra, Ghana in 2007.